Start a dialogue
Get an estimated quote in less than 3 weeks
Upload your files and specifications for subassemblies, and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
We aim to optimise your time. Here’s how to ensure we can access your files and best prepare for our meeting:
We prefer your parts in STEP format. If you can’t export to STEP or lack 3D files for your assembly or components, we can assist with creating them in SolidWorks.
Please provide all relevant information for the subassembly, including CAD files, Bills of Materials (BOM), technical drawings, and other key documents.
For us to best assess how to approach production and assembly, please include the following:
- Quantity of each component in the subassembly
- Preferred material
- Surface treatment requirements
- Expected number of subassemblies annually
- The target price for the subassembly
Next steps
Once you upload your files, Phil or one of our engineers will contact you within 2 business days.
We’ll arrange a meeting and clarify any questions.
If an NDA is required, you can get yours here:
After signing and submitting, a copy will be emailed to you.